Odeon Chester’s first General Manager was Harry Yorke. At the time when so many Odeon Theatres were being built, he was a designated manager that moved around the country to oversee the successful openings of new cinemas, then moving onto the next venue. He was at Chester for a relatively short time. He was the son of the late Major Reginald Yorke of St Annes-On-Sea, who had extensive interests in the entertainment world.
Harry had been in the business for fifteen years when he joined Chester Odeon and the Chester theatre was the third Odeon of which he had the responsibility of supervising completion and opening.Harry Yorke was the son- in- law of Ald Robert Sauvage JP of Wrexham.
A young Mabel Douglas, who was originally secretary at the Gaumont cinema, entertains the monitors of the boys & girls club in the cinema’s restaurant. TV star Russ Abbott is fourth from left.
Cinema managers come and go in the course of a cinema’s lifetime. Certainly that was the case at Chester Odeon, which boasted an array of managers whose tenure tended to be short. Mabel Douglas was the exception, and perhaps the most recognized and remembered by customers and staff, with over three decades at the Odeon alone, she became its longest serving manager.
Respected & a favourite with staff, Mabel presents Dorothy Furber with a long service award
Mabel started work at the Gaumont cinema in Brook Street. Progressing into management as theatre secretary to the manager Kenneth Edmondson. Under the umbrella of the CMA, the Gaumont was one of four Chester cinemas owned and controlled by The Rank Organisation. In the 1950s and 60s, cinemas were losing ground to competition, and had many other challenging problems. When the Gaumont closed in 1961, along with Mr. Edmondson, Mabel moved across to the Odeon as a manager.
The standard set by The Rank Organisation for the employment of management was to be of a certain calibre, and Mabel Douglas was a manager well within this requirement. A high standard of education to enter management was then essential, as this was way before computers or calculators. Managers were to be of “a certain type”. Professionalism, smartness, speech, courtesy, and deep respect for customers and staff was the company’s remit. They in turn were treated with both loyalty and respect from their colleagues.
Mabel was appointed to various cinemas, including the magnificent Gaumont Manchester, Preston’s Odeon cinema and Top Rank Ballroom. Eventually she gained considerable middle management experience when she worked at Rank’s North West Regional Office, and from time to time at Head Office.
In 1972, Mabel returned home to Chester Odeon by the invitation of David Elliot. Previously they had worked together at Regional Office. He knew from experience, that she was the quality duty manager with the self-motivation that was essential to manage Chester Odeon, which at that time was one of the highest grossing cinemas of that size Rank operated in the North West.
The management team on the opening day of the 3 screen Odeon Film Centre- Saturday 10th April 1976. The group includes MABEL DOUGLAS, GM- ALLAN ROSSER, TONY BROOKS, NICK EGGINTON
Far removed from a name dropper by nature, she knew, and was known by everyone in the vast organisation. From Rank’s chairman, right down the chain of command. Apart from heads of staff, cinema management consisted of a general manger, supported by one or two assistant managers. The Rank Organisation maintained exacting standards, and kept strict and stringent control on all their many operations. Mabel with her exacting standards was renown.
In her role she was polite and friendly; she would not tolerate fools lightly, but was well known for her generous and kind nature. Not many knew the Christian name of “the boss”, so Mabel was always addressed as Miss Douglas. An expected line was drawn on socializing with staff by the company. When Mabel was in the entrance foyer, you knew beyond doubt that she was the manager. Typical of that era, she would be immaculate in appearance and smartly dressed, usually in black, and easy to admit a glamorous lady. Usually from six o’clock until the final film went on, she would be seen in the main entrance foyer welcoming patrons, and supervising the business and dealing with the enormous queues with impeccable efficiency .
She personally recruited the staff, and took full responsibility for her choice. Needless to say, she had a discerning eye for the quality applicant. She was careful to strike the correct balance with ages, etc.
She retired in the late 1990s, her health was declining, not that anyone other than those close to her knew. Unfortunately, her retirement was not a long one as she died suddenly in the Easter of 1999. A huge loss to her family and friends, the cinema business, and to her many cinema exhibition friends, who once had the pleasure of working with her.
Peter Davieschestercinemas.co.uk
Cinema managers of old, apart from the projectionists, who were expected to put on first class presentations, were known as showmen, who went all out to promote the films they were showing. This practice doesn’t happen often today. One such showman was Odeon manager John Ellis. He was the General Manager at the Chester Odeon in 1950 until his death in 1959. He took the place of manager P.J. Mills. He went to the Trocadero, later Gaumont, Camden Street, Liverpool.
Before taking up cinema management John was a police constable in the City Police Force in Chester. He held that position for thirteen years.
John was from Hawarden where he went to school. He was a member of the Chester Operatic Society and appeared in the production of The Desert Song. He was also a member of the Bach Choir and Cathedral Voluntary Choir.
Due to illness he left the police. During his illness he met his wife, who was a nurse at Chester Royal Infirmary.
He went on to manage cinemas in the potteries, returning to manage the Odeon and is quoted as saying he regarded Chester always as his real home.
While John was at the Odeon there were annual photographic exhibitions In the foyer by Chester Photographic Society.
In January 1955 pet rabbits were on the agenda. Arranged by John and his assistant Ronald Cooke rabbits were displayed on a show table to be judged by Mr H. Ivimey. He gave a commentary explaining to the children the various points for which he was looking. Winners were Neil Sutcliffe, Margaret Parry, Raymond Chaloner and Sandra Jones.
Ann Reynolds has sent in this picture of her mum, Ann Huxley , who is seen here at the Boys and Girls Club “Lassie”competition at Chester Odeon in the mid 1950s
In March 1955 pets were once again featured. The Odeon staged a dog show. After this John arranged a children’s dog party for Saturday 19th March 1955, which started at 9.30. Children were invited to bring along their pets. Samples of dog food, shampoos and powders were distributed and a short talk was given on the care of domestic pets.
After John’s passing the role of manager was taken by Kenneth Edmondson, transferred from the Gaumont
David A Ellischestercinemas.co.uk
Kenneth Edmondson was a cinema manager of the Gaumont and Odeon theatres, in Chester. He was born in Bradford and after leaving school went into the renting side of the cinema business with MGM in Leeds. He stayed with them for six years before moving into cinema management at the Savoy Bradford at the age of 21. Around eighteen months later he joined New Century Pictures and subsequently managed cinemas all over the North of England. They included Sheffield, Bradford, Leeds, Hull, Sunderland and Harrogate.
New Century merged with Gaumont British, which in turn became part of the Rank Organisation. Kenneth moved from Sunderland to Plymouth, then moved to Chester to succeed the late Fred Rowley as manager of the Gaumont. This was during WW2 and after being at the cinema for six months he volunteered for the RAF.
After the war he returned to the Gaumont and remained there until his close friend John Ellis, manager of the Odeon passed away in 1959. In early 1960 he moved over to the Odeon and remained until his retirement in 1968.
In 1951, when at the Gaumont, he received an area award in a national showmanship contest. Two years later in December 1953 he was made an honorary member of the Company of Showmen, sponsored by the Kinematograph Weekly. He went on to have no fewer than ten deals of merit added to his certificate of membership. It read: “In recognition of his services and contributions towards the maintenance of a consistently high standard of showmanship in the industry.”
One of Kenneth’s ideas to promote the Jolson Story in 1947 was to have recordings of tunes from the film played to workers at an engineering firm. Also for his theatre publicity he secured the services of Johnny Hinds and his orchestra to give half hour stage presentations every evening for a week, playing popular tunes from the film. The show was presented without any fee involved. The orchestra, which was Chester’s leading dance band at the time features tunes from the film at other engagements in the city. They announced the play date and gave guest tickets to view the film as spot prizes during the Anniversary Waltz.
There was a successful song contest held at the Gaumont. Patrons were invited to place in order of popularity song titles from the film. Guest tickets to admit the winner and a friend to see the film were awarded to the first twelve entries opened. In addition Kenneth obtained no fewer than thirteen tie-ups with principal stores throughout the main shopping area of the city.
Kenneth, who lived in Curzon Park, Chester had an interest in photography and was an honorary member of the Chester Photographic society. His other interests included reading, mainly light fiction, gardening, tv, including horse jumping and travel features. His musical tastes were classical. Kenneth D. Edmondson retired on the 28th September 1968. His place was taken by Chris Dracott.
Davis A Ellischestercinemas.co.uk
Chris Dracott came to Chester Odeon in 1968 to replace Kenneth Edmondson as the manager. Chris was educated in Surrey and spent six years in the Merchant Navy before entering the cinema business.
One of his first jobs was as relief manager at the Odeon Chester for a period of two weeks when Errol Flynn’s Charge of the Light Brigade was being screened. He then moved on to Radcliffe, Bury and Stockton on Tees, before beginning a twenty year stay at the Odeon Liverpool.
During his stay at Liverpool he saw Bill Haley’s first riotous appearance in the country, the northern premiere of “A Hard Days Night” and “The Sound of Music”, which ran for nearly two years.
Mr & Mrs Chris Dracott with Terry Thomas.
Chris thought Chester Odeon was a marvellous theatre and felt the only thing he would miss about Liverpool were The stage shows.
Chris was also involved in the Odeon and Cheshire Observer appeal for toys for sick and needy children, his first for Christmas 1968.
He wrote a letter to the Observer, which said: Up to 23rd December 1185 toys had poured In and a further 103 were received the following day. The wonderful generosity of the donors was positively amazing, and I estimate that the value of the toys was in excess of £1000.
“My deepest gratitude must go to all these kind people, to my staff who showed unbounded enthusiasm In helping with the appeal, and to you sir, and your staff for your wonderful co-operation. There could be no more bitter disappointment for a child than to awake on Christmas morning to find his or her stocking empty, and I am sure that all who helped In this appeal must feel intensely gratified that, In Chester and district, this was avoided. My warmest good wishes to all for 1969”.
In 1972 David Elliot transferred from the Odeon Liverpool where he had been assistant manager, taking over as General Manager at Chester as Chris Dracott took early retirement due to poor health.
David A Ellischestercinemas.co.uk
General Manager at Chester Odeon during the early 1970’s was the late Dave Elliot, who transferred across from Liverpool. A man with many talents, one of which was a thirst for publicity & promotion, He expected and received 100% from any cinema he managed. Vibrant business was always there, as he was never content with anything less than full auditoriums. After leaving Chester he went on to manage important Odeon venues in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Hammersmith (now The Apollo), to name but a few.
Dave Elliot passed away on Saturday 27th February 2021.
Peter Davieschestercinemas.co.uk
Cinemas in Chester even in the declining years of popularity in the 1970s had to strongly compete for their share of the audience. One very important quality required of a cinema manager was the ability to muster strong public relations, and support from local businesses, press, councillors, transport, publicans, etc., to put his cinema on the local map, to maintain, and expand the business. At the dawn of the 1970s, the Classic cinema, better known as the Tatler, had just closed, leaving the city with only two “super cinemas”. The huge superior two thousand plus seater ABC, and the Odeon situated in the prime position on the Town Hall Square. Both were still original single screen units. During this frenetic era, the Odeon was acknowledged to be the stronger of the two in achieving substantial admissions, regularly selling out it’s 1628 seats capacity. Within the Odeon circuit it’s gross take was envied by even the “key theatres”. It is with this background that when a new manager was to be appointed at this particular Odeon cinema, the regional manager would be inundated with the cream of applicants, all vying with the hope of becoming the successful applicant. So it came to pass that in 1974, with General Manager David Elliot being promoted to the key Odeon theatre in Edinburgh, Allan Rosser was duly appointed General Manager, having moved across from the Odeon Blackburn.
Staff member, the late Pamela Jones inside one of the fully animated hand painted displays in the circle lounge
It was clear from the outset that this manager had a driven determination not just to keep the cinema at its present lucrative position within the company but to push the boundaries even further. Allan achieved this quickly by involving all his management and staff to focus on maintaining the Odeon’s dominance in the city’s entertainment. He would regard admissions of under 800 customers a performance as a failure, and was only content when he could boast capacity admissions. No matter what source of competition he faced, his local opponents would give way gracefully (usually through gritted teeth), as they acknowledged that he was in a league of his own.
He was in a world of his own with the re-vamped Super Saturday Shows. I remember that I needed all my technicians on duty to cope with the demands with the complex lighting displays and stage features that Allan demanded. The children loved it, and in return he smashed all box office records for the children’s Saturday morning shows in the history of the building.
The two competing newspapers, The Cheshire Observer, and Chester Chronicle would be top heavy with their front pages dripping with pictures and editorial on the Odeon. Full pages of promotions, competitions offering prizes of holidays, cars and other high value items, even regular visits to Pinewood Studios that Allan would personally supervise. His flair for publicity was extraordinary
007 car at the Northgate Area
Whether it was James Bond’s cars or boats, giant Disney characters in street parades, massive hand painted displays, mermaids trapped on the River Dee, to Lady Godiva trotting around the city clad only with her long golden hair, his ideas seemed endless and achieved both local and national press coverage. Even the dressing of the front of the building for the Queen’s silver jubilee would be turned into a promotional news item.
Shirley Ellis out of costume
Shirley Ellis, who worked there at this time recalls “I remember being given the PINK PANTHER costume to wear and going across to the Top Rank bingo hall to draw the first number, then returning, and being chained outside the Odeon to promote the latest PINK PANTHER film, supervised by Allan’s assistant Tony Brooks. It was wonderful working there. It was pure fun, wasn’t like work at all”.
Shirley Ellis, dressed as one of Robin Hood’s merry men for the float that was part of the Chester Carnival’s Parade.
Getting floats ready for various parades would involve the staff voluntary starting work to dress them at 6am in the morning. The rewards for the staff was that they, and their families took part in the promotions, and then at the “after event parties” given as acknowledgement for their involvement.
The film that nearly BURNT the house down
Allan Rosser had to cope with such situations as numerous terrorist bomb alerts, operating a busy cinema with a meagre allowance of electricity each day due to industrial strikes, and when fanatical arsonists attempted to set fire to the building in protest to the screening of “The Last Tango In Paris”. The blaze resulted in the canopy being badly damaged costing many thousands of pounds to repair. It was stated that if not for the fast action of a passing policeman at 2am in the morning, the building would have been gutted.
It was under Allan’s tenure that the Odeon was transformed into a three screen cinema. Mainly because of the substantial amounts of money that the building was taking at the cash desk, the Odeon Board of Directors were persuaded to grant extra money to be spent at Chester which allowed the front circle to be extended down towards the screen, which made a splendid new 802 seat auditorium. Incredibly, the cinema remained open during this major alteration. Originally, in 1936, the builders engaged were a firm called Hamer. The foreman in charge of the tripling, by a strange twist of fate was a John Hamer (no connection). John worked tirelessly, completing most of the partitioning single handed. G F Holdings were the main contractor for the tripling. It was Holdings who fit out the new Cineworld recently at Broughton.
Now with three screens, Allan cranked up the PR pressure even more. He managed to get 100% PLUS from all of the staff to work with him. Many recalled that it was an exceptionally busy time packed with laughter, and good memories. Behind his light hearted manner lay a steely determination for success, The cinema thrived under his style of management.
JOYCE HODGKINSON with Terry Underhill at the opening of Santa Claus the Movie grotto
By nature Allan Rosser was a practical joker, you were always on guard as to what was coming next. I remember our head usherette; Joyce Hodgkinson leaving work at 9.30pm after a full days shift. As she trudged her long walk home to Handbridge, Joyce struggled with her shopping bag, she told me that she could not understand why her shopping seemed so heavy. At home all was revealed when she unloaded her bag to find there were three stow away house bricks placed there by courtesy of Alan Rosser!
Many colleagues who worked with him state that the Odeon was a fun place to work because of Allan. However, the serious side of heading the management team was the smoothness of the operation that was achieved, and attributed to him, and by placing Chester Odeon in a very secure financial position
Post Chester- Allan continued his promotions at The Drake (Odeon)
Allan Rosser was promoted to The Drake (Odeon), Plymouth in 1985, leaving behind many friends, and Chester Odeon with a firm base that carried it forward for a further twenty one years.
Allan is enjoying retirement in Devon.
Peter Davieschestercinemas.co.uk
Cinema manager Laurie Hindmarsh arrived in Chester during 1985. A Yorkshire man, he had a long and varied background in cinema management, which included managing some of Odeon’s largest theatres at Bradford, Liverpool, Ashton Under Lyne, Southport and Scarborough before being appointed at Chester Odeon.
Within a year of arriving, Laurie was actively involved in the planning of a major refurbishment of the building, this was in sync with the cinema’s golden jubilee anniversary. He organised and hosted a Gala Civic Evening to celebrate the mile-stone event which was completely sold out. A stunning stage show was presented to mark the cinema’s Golden Jubilee on 3rd October.
Steve Tovey.
A keen pianist, he also had an interest in the cinema organ. Although the Odeon was not equipped with a cinema organ, Laurie arranged for the famed Midland organist, Steve Tovey, to bring along a portable organ to play at this and other events that he was to arrange.
Laurie was very much a publicity driven person. Promoting the cinema vigorously, which was the norm for that generation of cinema managers. He made many friends with the local and regional press. City businesses would flock to support his many ambitious film promotions, whether at the cinema, or around Chester itself.
Laurie Hindmarsh in a press photograph, together with beauty queens, Gillian Bell and Julie Cheeseman, promoting ‘A View to a Kill’.
During his tenure, the original canopy was dismantled and replaced with a modern blue banded Perspex replacement. However, due to extreme interference from local planners, the new canopy was not what Laurie had expected. It was later replaced when the Odeon was re-branded with a new house style.
Another major change took place while Laurie was GM. The company decided to add two more screens, making the Odeon a five screen venue. In March 1991 screen one was divided into three auditoriums. Screen 1 now seated 406, the two newly formed cinemas, in what was the rear of screen 1 held 151 each. The two cinemas under the balcony remained the same although now known as screens 4 & 5. Laurie embraced the idea as he knew with the threat of multiplex competition, the extra screens would assist him to challenge them head on.
He enjoyed his successful tenure as General Manager of Chester Odeon, which lasted for nearly a decade.
Lawrence William Hindmarsh, General Manager of Chester Odeon, passed away on Monday 15th July 2024.
Peter Davieschestercinemas.co.uk
Friends & colleagues of Nick Egginton were stunned by the news on Sunday 16th December 2012 that he had died aged 64.
Many will remember him at Chester Odeon in the early 1970s, when he was assistant to the general manager, Chris Draycott. I certainly remember him as he interviewed, and employed me as a projectionist in February of 1971. His father Bert, was the chief projectionist/stage manager at the Gaumont theatre in the City of Chester, where Nick grew up.
It was while working in cinemas that Nick met his wife to be, Sue. Film lover Nick started working for the Odeon chain as a trainee manager aged 16, in Southall, London. Sue and Nick worked together at the Odeon in Manchester during 1969 and began dating as the film Oliver! premiered. Two years later they married.
After Manchester, and Chester, at the age of only 23 he became general manager of the Odeon Ashton-under-Lyme in his native north west, before he moved on to six other cinemas. He assisted general manager Allan Rosser’s team on the opening day of Chester Odeon’s triple screen Film Centre on Saturday 10th April 1976.
Nick arrived in Cheltenham with Sue and daughter Niki in 1984 to take on the Winchcombe Street Odeon. In his 22 years at the helm he oversaw expansions, extra screens installed, renovations and finally its closure in November 2006. For Nick the cinema really was part of the family. His wife of 41 years, Sue, said: “He was a very popular, caring and loving man, who tended to look after everyone around him and really enjoyed life. We all just loved him to bits”
Cheshire Observer 28th August 1954.
Madge Dawson was presented with a beautiful dressing table set, and Ronald Cooke with a German beer tankard. The picture also shows manager, John Ellis (left), Mrs Margaret Cooper (head usherette), and Mr Ernest R. Hall, chief projectionist.
On Wednesday, Mr John W. Ellis, manager of the Odeon Cinema, and members of the staff made presentations to two of the staff who were leaving to take up other managerial duties. Mr Ronald S. Cook, assistant manager, is to manage the Odeon Theatre Derby, and Mrs M Dawson (Madge), cashier, who has been at the Odeon 17 years, leaves to become manageress of a well-known Chester shop.
c. April 1953 ~ David A Ellis researched
In November 1939, youngster James Ernest Fay began work in the projection room of Chester Odeon when he was fifteen years old. He remained part of the early projection team until he was called up for National Service three years later in October 1942.
MARK JENKINS. joined Odeon 1984. He became technical manager in 1991.
MARK JENKINS. joined Odeon 1984. He became technical manager in 1991. Later he was appointed as technical manager at the Cameo Glasgow. Mark decided to move into camera work and editing. He won several awards for his film editing and technical skills. Although now living in the remote Scottish Isles, he is still very much into media business. He became the youngest technical manager appointed at Chester’s ODEON.
Transferring from the Odeon Liverpool to Chester’s Odeon in 1977 was Senior Projectionist..Stephen Wynstanley. He was a popular member of the team & stayed at the Odeon for several years before advancing as an electrical engineer.
for details of other projection staff~ go to Technical page
Joyce Hodgkinson with General Manager ..John Ellis.
Some cinema staff became as instantly recognizable as the buildings that they worked in. Odeon’s Joyce Hodgkinson was one such lady.
After working for Marks & Spencers, Joyce moved across to the Odeon where she became a most respected and treasured member of staff, also one of the longest serving. She was there in the cinema’s heyday, and was witness to some dramatic changes to both the business and the building. She is pictured with general manager, John Ellis, taken in the 1950s.
A familiar face to generations of Odeon customers. Margaret Cooper was the kiosk assistant in the entrance hall. She was affectionately known as Coop to all her colleagues. She began her Chester cinema career in 1937 from the opening day at the ABC Regal, moving across to the Odeon in the early 1940s where she stayed for almost 40 years unbroken service.
A lady well known to Chester movie goers of the 1960s & 70s was Miriam Jeffreys who worked at both the ABC and Odeon cinemas. She particularly enjoyed her time at the ABC when she would be quick at cashing up so that she could watch the pop concerts and once having the chance to meet her favourite star ~Englebert Humperdinck.
In the 1970s she moved across to the Odeon where she worked for several years. Miriam passed away in April of 2020. A sad loss to her many cinema friends.
Odeon Commissionaire: The late Joe Villanti
Commissionaire Joe Villanti was employed at the Odeon from the mid seventies. His wife Pauline, a cashier, worked alongside him in the entrance hall. Joe moved across to the Chester International Hotel (Crowne Plaza) as a porter when it first opened.
staff from the Odeon & colleagues from other Chester cinemas within the CMA group. cir. early 1950’s
Front lining- Joyce Hodgkinson with just some of the girls ready to welcome the first audience for the Civic opening of the new ODEON FILM CENTRE- Opening day Saturday 10th April 1976
Joyce enjoyed keeping the kiosk displays up to the ODEON standard
Odeon Toy Appeal cir. 1950s. Santa (Manager John Ellis) with staff members. Margaret Cooper is standing next to him.
Chester Odeon staff 1986
The late Pat Stafford, pictured 1986
Kath Onions & Gordon Potter
Two young people who met and married while working at Chester’s Odeon were cashier Kathleen & Gordon Potter. Kath was a cashier, while Gordon worked in the projection room. Who else do you know who met and married while working at any of Chester’s Cinemas??
Maureen (Mo) Smith & Ray Davies
ODEON projectionist, Ray Davies & his bride Maureen (Mo) Smith on their wedding day. Like many staff at the Odeon they met while working at the cinema and later married. Their daughter Debbie Martin said that Ray also worked at the Gaumont. Maureen was an usherette at the Odeon
Management & Staff of Chester’s ODEON. c.1940s. (Alice is 5th from the left on the centre row).
When Sue Hayes spotted her mum Alice on this late 1940s photograph of Chester Odeon staff she contacted us to say that her late father, Robert James Stead, also worked at the cinema. Robert was a projectionist and had worked at other cinemas in Chester during the golden era of movie going. When he arrived at the Odeon he met Alice Davies. Their daughter Christine Stead said “dad used to shine the spotlight on mum during the intervals when she was an usherette .. until she agreed to go out with him”. Alice & Bob soon became husband & wife.
They married on the 18th December 1948 at Christ Church in Newtown, Alice was 19 and Robert (Bob) was 28. They had four children and were foster parents to many babies and children during their younger years.
Bob went on to work at John Summers Steel Works until he retired. Later Alice had other part-time jobs including a dinner lady at the Queen’s school.
Alice lives in Chester and is now 91, sadly Bob passed away in 1998. Their marriage was a golden one, with the Odeon Chester bringing them together. “They never looked back and were brilliant parents to us”.
With thanks to their daughters Sue Hayes and Christine Stead for sending photographs & details.
Our very best wishes to Alice.
Met & married while at Chester Odeon ~ PRYNEA and TERRY GREGORY
When Prynea Rumsey joined the Odeon staff in the sixties little did she realize that way up high beyond the projection beam was her future husband-to-be, Terry Gregory, who was one of the projection team which included the original chief projectionist Ernest Hall, and Gordon Potter the second operator. Their wedding took place on Saturday 14th June 1969, a warm sunny day at Saint Mark’s Church in Saltney. Gordon Potter was the Best Man. Rumour had it that the vicar had enjoyed a few sherries before the service. Whether that was a joke , who knows? However, Prynea tells us that the vicar’s name was Frankie Howard!
“A Good time was had by all” says Prynea, who enjoys her retirement with Terry in Chester, and is a member of Chester Cinemas Facebook group.
Terry with his fellow ODEON projectionist & best-man Gordon Potter
Did you or a relative work at Chester’s Odeon? If you have recollections of visiting the cinema, then we will be pleased to hear from you via our contact page